Plastikinės šėryklos šulinukai,tiksliam ir tolimam metimui,labai gerai gryžta atgal.
Išmieros; 37x30 mm.
Gramatūra 20 ir 40gr.
Nylon feeder D-STANCE is designed for long casts to which we adjusted its construction and we used body from light nylon. The bottom part of the body is made by lead ring which will fire the feeder with food into distance. The connection with a fishing line is provided by silicon hanger which can be attached to the line in several ways and it is up to you which one you choose. The square openings in the feeder have the size of app. 5x3mm which is an optimal size for releasing the food slowly and it will not fall off during the cast. The feeder can be filled with classical loose feed or by pellets. Thanks to its tubular shape, it can be pulled off easily and will not be trapped into any obstacles.
Technical parameters:
Size of basket: 37x30mm
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